Dyno Nobel, Inc.: Showcasing Safety Excellence Far Beyond the Mines

Dyno Nobel recently achieved independent certification under the CORESafety® system. Dyno Nobel Inc., a global manufacturer of explosives, is the first non-mining company to receive independent certification. “Dyno Nobel is proud to achieve this level of safety certification, and reaffirms our core... Read More

Cloud Peak Energy: Utilizing American Coal to Advance Economic Growth

Cloud Peak Energy Inc. is one of the largest U.S. coal producers and the only pure-play Powder River Basin (PRB) coal company. The company owns and operates three surface coal mines in the PRB: the Antelope and Cordero Rojo mines in Wyoming, and the Spring Creek Mine is in Montana. In 2016 alone, Cloud... Read More

Arch Resources: Supplying Coal for Steel Infrastructure

The Trump administration this summer announced a $1 trillion plan to fix the nation’s infrastructure. There’s no doubt that a robust plan to rebuild America’s declining infrastructure should be a priority. Thankfully America enjoys a particularly rich endowment of raw materials that can support such... Read More

Caterpillar: Engineering Equipment to Protect our Military

By now you’ve probably heard about the recent contract awarded to Caterpillar with the U.S. Department of Defense. The $663 million contract for construction equipment through the Defense Logistics Agency gives customers such as the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and U.S. federal civilian agencies... Read More

National Mining Association Welcomes Repeal of the Costly Power Plan

National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn today issued this statement following reports of the administration’s plans to repeal the Clean Power Plan: “As reported, Administrator Pruitt will signal a decisive break with past policies that have used regulation of doubtful legality... Read More