Supporting America’s Infrastructure

From foundations to roofs, power plants to wind farms, roads to bridges—America’s infrastructure projects begin with mining.

From foundations to roofs, power plants to wind farms, roads and bridges to communications grids and data storage centers—America’s infrastructure projects begin with mining. Consider that nearly every industry including energy, construction, transportation, and equipment manufacturing requires steel—a material dependent on both metallurgical coal and iron ore for its production. And copper’s flexibility, conformity, thermal and electric conductivity, and resistance to corrosion make it an ideal industrial metal. These are just a few of the ways that mining is contributing to America’s infrastructure.

Member Feature Story

Copper for Infrastructure

Copper is an essential component of infrastructure, since copper is necessary to power and electrify everything we use – whether in buildings, vehicles or manufacturing operations. And demand is rising dramatically for copper. While copper can be recycled, the exponentially growing demand requires more... Read More

Building America's Infrastructure

Copper’s Versatile and Essential Role

Copper is essential to our modern way of life, particularly for its role in infrastructure. For energy generation, literal tonnes of copper are used in solar panels (5.0 tonnes), onshore wind farms (4.3 tonnes) and offshore wind farms (9.6 tonnes). Copper is used to power our grid through 5G networks,... Read More

Nickel for Electric Vehicles

As U.S. infrastructure turns towards an electric future, automobile manufacturers will need much more nickel to build electric vehicles (EVs). Talon Metals Corp., along with the United Steelworkers union, has developed a partnership to advance the Tamarack Nickel Project in Minnesota, a project which... Read More

Supplying the Steel Industry

Six billions tons of steel have been used in the U.S. National Highway System, and more will be needed as the U.S. focus on infrastructure projects increases. Steel production requires metallurgical coal, which – along with iron ore – is essential in producing the new steel America relies on every day.... Read More

Reliability to Support Our Lives

Grid reliability is a necessity in our modern world. Our electricity grid is vital infrastructure that ensures power for every industry and American household. A cornerstone of our electricity grid is coal, which provides baseload power that can backstop intermittent sources of electricity when the sun... Read More

Warrior Met Coal, Met Coal in Our Lives

Infrastructure projects would literally fall apart without steel. There’s 57,000 tons of steel in the Empire State Building and six billion tons of steel in the U.S. highway system. And 70 percent of the world’s steel requires coal, specifically metallurgical or met coal. Met coal includes the various... Read More

Twin Metals, Providing the Copper and Nickel We Need

Recently, Elon Musk of Tesla Inc. urged producers to mine more nickel, a critical component of electric cars. But more than nickel is needed to fully realize the potential for electric vehicles in America. Copper is an essential metal for not only the electric vehicle, but for the massive amount of infrastructure... Read More