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- Jerry Mullins
Jerry Mullins
Jerry Mullins has spent his career leading and implementing political, public affairs and education campaigns that influence targeted audiences as well as the public at large. By combining his experience as a former reporter, producer and campaign consultant, Mr. Mullins has been active in national elections for 25 years. He is currently the Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and External Relations for the National Mining Association.
Mr. Mullins’ work in the political arena included four years with the Republican National Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee creating over 2,000 radio and television advertisements as well as producing hundreds of hours of programming from the 1996, 2000 and 2004 Republican National Conventions. Mr. Mullins also serves as the spokesperson for the Pentagon Memorial Fund.
Mr. Mullins is a graduate of North Carolina State University where he received Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Communications and Finance. He and his family reside in Annapolis, MD.