Supplying the Steel Industry

Six billions tons of steel have been used in the U.S. National Highway System, and more will be needed as the U.S. focus on infrastructure projects increases. Steel production requires metallurgical coal, which – along with iron ore – is essential in producing the new steel America relies on every day.... Read More

Coal Supports Economic Recovery

With electricity demand rebounding from pandemic lows, coal use is also on the rise. As countries reopen, more electricity will be needed, and coal is the reliable source to power the reviving economy. Coal’s reliability and affordability are a critical part of a varied fuel supply that can support a... Read More

The Future for Copper

Florence Copper is working to be the “greenest copper mine in the world,” and it is hoping to start construction of commercial facilities this year. The project will be a large-scale commercial copper mining facility in Arizona. But Florence Copper isn’t waiting for final permits to consider the mine’s... Read More

Innovations to Keep Miners Safe

There’s nothing as important as celebrating innovations in safety. The wellbeing of each and every miner is paramount, and advancements to make mining safer deserve recognition. Redpath, in a collaboration with SafeSight Exploration Inc., was recognized in April 2021 with the Ontario Mine Contractors... Read More

Reliability in Energy

Reliable energy is an absolute necessity in our time. But some forms of energy generation are more consistently available than others. Relying on fuel that must be carried in by pipeline or generated by cooperative weather can leave an electricity grid vulnerable, and that’s why having a varied fuel... Read More