The U.S. is Backsliding on Reducing Mineral Import Reliance

In recent weeks, the Biden administration has taken a series of steps that undermine the United States' ability to reduce its reliance on imported minerals just as the demand for these resources is skyrocketing. These actions contradict the administration's stated goals of securing supply chains and... Read More

Embracing Uranium’s New Dawn: A Strategic Imperative for America

Our near-complete reliance on imported uranium has long been a glaring strategic vulnerability — exposing us to geopolitical risks and seriously undermining our national and energy security. It doesn’t have to be this way. I don’t use the phrase “golden opportunity” lightly, but this moment is about... Read More

2024 New Year’s Resolution? Support Domestic Mining

We are living in the most mineral-intensive time in human history. Electric vehicles (EVs), handheld electronics, computers, solar panels and wind turbines all depend on a wide range of minerals for their construction and operation. Over the holidays, many of the holiday gifts we unwrapped simply wouldn’t... Read More