Twin Metals, Providing the Copper and Nickel We Need

Recently, Elon Musk of Tesla Inc. urged producers to mine more nickel, a critical component of electric cars. But more than nickel is needed to fully realize the potential for electric vehicles in America. Copper is an essential metal for not only the electric vehicle, but for the massive amount of infrastructure... Read More

NMA Statement on Inauguration

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Mining Association (NMA) today issued the following statement from Rich Nolan, President and CEO, on next week's Inauguration Day. “For more than 200 years, our nation has gathered peacefully on Inauguration Day under the leadership of thoughtful elected officials to... Read More

Statement on the Violence at the U.S. Capitol

January 6, 2021, 4:40 p.m. Eastern The violence at the U.S. Capitol today is appalling and has no place in America. All of us the National Mining Association support the Members of Congress and their staff, the journalists, the Capitol Police and law enforcement who are bravely working to restore... Read More