National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn today released the following statement urging Congress to support The Stream Act (HR 1644) by Rep. Alex Mooney, a bill that would protect coal miners from the so-called Stream Protection Rule offered by the Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation... Read More
January 12, 2016
National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn released the following statement today urging President Obama to recognize that the state of the union urgently requires priorities and policies that are conducive to economic growth and security:
“We urge the president to turn to the priorities... Read More
January 11, 2016
American Mines Close 2015 with Fewest Annual Fatalities
Washington, D.C. – 2015 was the safest year ever for American miners. Together, coal mines and metal/non-metal mines last year recorded the fewest fatalities in the history of American mining. Total mine fatalities were at the lowest number since... Read More
January 4, 2016