Mining For Our Future

Innovative technologies made possible through and employed by mining are providing the mineral and energy resources essential for a better life and a better future.

Minerals play a leading role in nearly every aspect of the modern American experience. Copper, zinc and other minerals are essential in electric and hybrid vehicles. Silver and copper’s natural antibacterial qualities make them ideal for medical applications. And copper’s high thermal conductivity makes it a preferred material for wiring homes and office buildings.

And when it comes to the energy that is powering today’s innovations, new technologies are making combustion of coal more efficient and cleaner. Dramatic reductions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter that have already been achieved show how advancements in emissions technology hold even more promise for the future.

Member Feature Story

Byproducts for More EV Batteries

Innovation isn’t just about improving the current process; sometimes it’s about rethinking ‘waste’ and making it useful again. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have been working with Talon Metals on a new process to dramatically increase the number of electric... Read More

Mining For Our Future

Conveyor Maintenance Moves Forward

The keys to efficient operations are processes that maximize mining productivity with as little downtime as possible. Martin Engineering designs equipment solutions that significantly improve safety and reduce maintenance for a lower cost of operation. Conveyors are complex networks that move large... Read More

Collision Avoidance Systems for Safer Minesites

U.S. mining is using the world’s most advanced technologies and innovations every day, making mining safer than ever before through the use of artificial intelligence, drones and remote operated machinery. One of the leading technologies in use today is known as a Collision Avoidance System (CAS). Wabtec... Read More

Zero Emissions Equipment

World Changing Ideas is one of Fast Company’s major annual awards programs and is focused on social good, seeking to elevate finished products and brave concepts that make the world better. This year, they recognized First Mode’s proof-of-concept hybrid hydrogen and battery powerplant, which replaced... Read More

An EV Revolution Requires Lithium

The complete remaking of our transportation system and arrival of electric vehicles (EVs) onto the roads in large numbers requires the building blocks to make those cars – building blocks like lithium. That’s why we need to support mining and processing lithium here in the U.S., and there are efforts... Read More