Supporting America’s Infrastructure

From foundations to roofs, power plants to wind farms, roads to bridges—America’s infrastructure projects begin with mining.

From foundations to roofs, power plants to wind farms, roads and bridges to communications grids and data storage centers—America’s infrastructure projects begin with mining. Consider that nearly every industry including energy, construction, transportation, and equipment manufacturing requires steel—a material dependent on both metallurgical coal and iron ore for its production. And copper’s flexibility, conformity, thermal and electric conductivity, and resistance to corrosion make it an ideal industrial metal. These are just a few of the ways that mining is contributing to America’s infrastructure.

Member Feature Story

A Path to Future Infrastructure

Nickel is an important resource for infrastructure that isn’t always given its due. From stainless steel (which requires nickel) to nickel coating and alloys, nickel is used for power generation, building construction and even kitchenware, to name a few applications. With the rise of nickel use in EVs,... Read More

Building America's Infrastructure

Metallurgical Coal for Tomorrow’s Infrastructure

Metallurgical coal is a vital component of steel, which is heavily used in construction and infrastructure projects - from buildings to bridges to roads and charging stations. We need a reliable supply of met coal as we continue to modernize our infrastructure, and fortunately we have the resources available. Warrior... Read More

Nickel in Transportation Infrastructure

Nickel is a highly valuable resource, and it plays an important role in transportation infrastructure. Traditionally it has seen use in stainless steel applications but, today, innovations in electric vehicles are increasing our need for nickel. Fortunately, ample supplies are available here in the U.S. Talon... Read More

Met Coal for Infrastructure

Metallurgical coal, or met coal, is a fundamental component of steel, which is essential to our infrastructure. Ramaco Resources is an exclusive producer of met coal, operating in West Virginia, Virginia and Pennsylvania. The company holds approximately 250 million tons of high-quality metallurgical... Read More

Copper Powers Our Lives

When we think about infrastructure, there are many inputs that go into building the world as we know it today. One of those essential inputs is copper. This metal is used throughout the energy production process, from generation and transmission to distribution and consumption, but also comes onto our... Read More