Kinross and ESG

Anna Atchison, Director of External Affairs at Kinross Alaska, talks about partnerships with Trout Unlimited and the Alaska Abandoned Mine Restoration Initiative as part of their environmental, social, and governance work.Read More

Perpetua Resources: A Roadmap for A More Sustainable Future

The importance of minerals will continue to gain momentum. According to the World Bank, the need for critical minerals used for renewable and clean energy technologies will increase by 500% by 2050. The energy industry and many related sectors — such as automotive — will need increasing amounts t...Read More

Komatsu: The Importance of Minerals for a Sustainable Future

The importance of minerals will continue to gain momentum. According to the World Bank, the need for critical minerals used for renewable and clean energy technologies will increase by 500% by 2050. The energy industry and many related sectors — such as automotive — will need increasing amounts t...Read More

Komatsu: Diversity Could Be Key to Growing Your Business

As the U.S. becomes increasingly diverse, companies have been prioritizing their equity, diversity and inclusion programs to keep up. Recent reports confirm it’s a smart business decision. From recruitment to ROI – companies that rank high in diversity are beginning to outperform their peers than...Read More

Resolution Copper and ESG

Resolution Copper is partnering with the U.S. Forest Service, tribes and academics, forming the Emory Oak Collaborative Tribal Restoration Initiative, a conservation program to restore and protect Emory oak groves on public lands in Arizona.Read More

Komatsu Mining and ESG

Caley Clinton, Senior Manager of Public Relations, Corporate Responsibility, and Content at Komatsu Mining Corporation talks about the environmental, social, and governance efforts of the company including reforestation and partnerships with non-profit organizations around the world.Read More

CONSOL Energy and ESG

Jacquie Fidler, Vice President, Environmental & Sustainability at CONSOL Energy discusses how they are addressing environmental, social, and governance issues.Read More

Coeur Mining and ESG

Coeur Mining President and CEO, Mitch Krebs, discusses how Coeur is addressing environmental, social, and governance issues across its operations.Read More