Strengthening the U.S. Economy

The strength and future health of the U.S. economy depends on mining, which provides the building blocks for the everyday American experience.

If you have turned on a light, entered a building, driven on a road, made a phone call, used a computer, or visited a doctor, then mining is part of your life.

Mining provides essential power and materials for nearly every industry and consumer product, and supplies low-cost, reliable fuel for homes and businesses across the country.

Mining supports nearly two million high-paying jobs and contributes to economic activity in every state.

Member Feature Story

New Mine Opens in Nevada

Considering the time and dedication that goes into the development of a mine, it is only natural to celebrate its official opening. Nevada Gold Mines, a joint venture between operator Barrick (61.5%) and Newmont (38.5%), had the opportunity the celebrate the opening of the Goldrush Mine in Nevada, which... Read More