• Administration Proposal to Create a Uranium Reserve Addresses a Glaring Vulnerability

Administration Proposal to Create a Uranium Reserve Addresses a Glaring Vulnerability

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Mining Association (NMA) today issued the following statement from Rich Nolan, NMA President & CEO, applauding the Trump administration’s proposal to create a uranium reserve.

“Legitimate energy security and national security concerns have been repeatedly raised around our staggering import reliance for uranium. The administration’s proposal to create a domestically sourced uranium reserve is just the leadership needed to address this glaring vulnerability.”

Domestic uranium production is teetering on the edge of disappearing. The nation’s growing mineral import reliance for uranium and other minerals should be alarming to all Americans, especially when the U.S. is home to ample resources, stringent environmental protections, and the most advanced mining technologies and best practices in the world.  The administration’s continued efforts to raise awareness of these challenges and provide solutions is deserving of broad support.”

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