Multiple Safety Awards in West Virginia

For the second consecutive year, Ramaco Resources has been recognized for the safety of its operations in West Virginia. This year, it received eight Mountaineer Guardian Awards, which is the highest state honor for safety from the West Virginia Coal Association and the West Virginia Office of Miner’s Health, Safety & Training.

The eight mines awarded were the Berwind Deep Mine, Eagle Seam Deep Mine, Elk Creek Preparation Plant, Maben Surface Mine, Michael Powellton Deep Mine, Ram Surface Min #1, Stonecoal Branch Mine #2 and Triad #2.

“These awards are a testament to the responsibility our miners take every day towards the goal of a zero-accident workplace,” said Chris Blanchard, Chief Operating Officer for Ramaco. “At Ramaco, we work to ensure the well-being of our staff by instilling a culture of safety in every level of our operations and giving our people what they need to succeed. We are proud of the team’s focus on maintaining the highest standards, and for understanding that the safety of our team is our primary benchmark for success.”
